Sayu hati patik bila xdjemput menghadiri hari bersejarah dia.Yeah~my ex-boyfriend wedding yg berlangsung pada 5/2/2011. Patik tahu pun. sbb kebetulan lalu depan rumah dia. semasa menghadiri birthday barty Dania.Aish!!~! Bukan sedih sbb dia kawen,..patik sendiripun dah kawen la.Cuma sedih sbb dia lupa janji kami masa muda2 dulu.Kalau siapa2 kawen, duluan mesti jemput..sbb kami akan jd kawan utk selamanya.Anyway..xpa..xpa..jumpa d majlis perkahwinan anak masing2 la nnti.ahax!Selamat Pengantin Baru utk ko dan wife.Jaga dia baik2 taw.Jgn jahat2..huhu~

Hospice nurse Christine England, 40, married her fiance Keith, 44, in full costume and make-up in front of 100 guests who were also in fancy dress.
The new Mr and Mrs Green (yes, really), of Barnstaple, Devon, had spent three hours having their make-up done before walking down the aisle.Christine said: 'The idea just came to me. I knew what we would go as because Keith looks just like Shrek.
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